We’re multiplying!
9:15 & 11:30 services starting from February 2024
Picture in your mind for a minute our town and the surrounding areas. There are tens of thousands of people who don’t know Jesus and are living without his forgiveness, hope and purpose in their lives. We’re multiplying to make space for our friends, our family members, our colleagues, neighbours and soon to be neighbours. It’s for them. Read more details below, watch the video and complete the form at the bottom of the page.
Our church family has grown considerably and we now welcome almost 600 people in our building each Sunday. We are at capacity particularly in our children’s and youth groups and we need to make room for more people to come and join us – this is why we’re multiplying our Sunday gatherings. By multiplying to two services we can reach more people.
We can also multiply our gifting: two services means twice as many serving opportunities, people stepping out into new areas of service and growing in God. Two services also means we can create closer community and those new to the church can receive a better welcome to the Hope Church family. It all sounds good- but we know you’ll have questions.
We will remain one church in many ways including:
Is this the right way to go?
Many people love the large church ‘feel’ with everyone in one gathering but also long to get to know people better. With almost 600 people attending Sunday mornings, you can’t possibly talk to everyone and by multiplying we can all form deeper relationships with others in our service – whilst making room for more to join us.
Can’t we stay as we are?
We’re convinced that this step makes space for a wave of salvation where many come to know Jesus. Currently, our building often feels full and we want to provide space for people in our auditorium and in our children’s and youth groups. Additionally Ipswich is a growing town and many new residents will come to Hope in the future months – we want them to be welcomed well – they won’t stay if they see we’re packed on Sundays!
Do I have to pick a service?
We’re asking that you do decide which one you’ll come to. By committing to one service you can build relationships with people in that service. Committing also helps our planning for children’s and youth groups. We understand that from time to time you might have reason to attend the other service but it would be great to commit to one.
What’s the plan?
We will switch to two services on the 4 February 2024, there will be one at 09:15 and one at 11:30. The worship team and preacher will be the same at each service and there will be church leaders at both services and children’s and youth groups will be offered at both services.
Have we got enough team?
We will! Two services means that we need more people to step into serving and that’s where you can help! Serving (usually one Sunday a month) is a great opportunity to get to know more people. Please pray about where you could be involved and complete the form.
What about the South West initiative?
We are still believing God for an expression of Hope Church gathering in the South West of Ipswich and we continue to pray and seek God for this. We’ll share more when we know more!
We need to hear from you! Fill out the form below to help us with our planning |